
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to write an exceptional career episode for CDR?

Career episodes are an integral part of the CDR. It helps to elaborate and evaluate the applicant’s tasks, highlighting the individual’s competency in the process.  A well written CDR contains three different career episodes. One should write all three career episodes to become easier for engineers in Australia to identify and analyze an individual’s work as an engineer. The career episode contains the strategic projects done by an individual highlighting the job role and responsibilities. In addition, an applicant must highlight the special situation in which he/she could depict his/her domain knowledge in a perfect way. This helps EA assessors to select a perfect professional for a particular job scenario. Below are some important tips shared by CDR report writers to help professional engineering write and submit an exceptional career episode. Select a topic of strategic significance to the organization where you worked or any projects you were to work on that holds the capability o